Drawing from our Talent

You can find many things in the halls of an Aspirus hospital. Patient rooms, staff providing care and visitors spending time with loved ones.

At Aspirus Wausau Hospital (AWH), you’ll also find art displayed by local high school students. Aspirus Volunteers collect submissions from local schools and vote on the winners. All the winning artwork is professionally framed and displayed for one year.

Currently, first place belongs to a submission called, “In A Daydream”, by Lilly Thao. The artwork was drawn on newspaper with charcoal and represents Lilly in a daydream enjoying the sun.

In A Daydream

“I didn’t even know that my teachers were going to submit my work into the contest,” says Lilly. “It was actually a pretty crazy year for me.”

That’s because Lilly also found out that year that her teachers submitted her for the United States House of Representatives Congressional Art Competition. Her art titled, “Queen of Hearts”, was chosen as a winner by a panel of district artists and is now displayed at the U.S. Capital.

Queen of Hearts

Art is clearly a big part of Lilly’s life. She credits her sister and her teachers at Wausau West for helping her develop her artistic talents.

“They really pushed me to reach my full potential and built me as an artist,” says Lilly. “Art really takes a lot of time, and they encouraged me to be patient.”

Right now, you can see Lilly’s art displayed at AWH. You might also see Lilly. She works on the Food Services team delivering meals to patients.

“I like helping people and here I get to help patients. It’s a thing I grew up with,” says Lilly. “I like getting to know a wide variety of people, from EVS to the nursing staff. Everyone’s friendly.”

Next, Lilly is heading to Milwaukee to study art and design once she graduates from high school in a few weeks. And judging from her recent success, she’ll have plenty of opportunities ahead of her.

“I can’t wait to get out and see the world,” says Lilly.