Aspirus Keweenaw Health Foundation funds new electronic health records system for CLK Schools

Skyward tool puts vital information at teachers’ and parents’ fingertips

Paper health records are a thing of the past for the Public Schools of Calumet, Laurium & Keweenaw, thanks to a generous donation from the Asprius Keweenaw Health Foundation (KHF).

The Aspirus KHF recently donated $5,059 to CLK for the purchase of a new electronic health records system. The upgrade replaces their paper records and allows CLK to better maintain the most up-to-date health information for students.

“This new system offers instant access to important medication alerts, allergies, health office visits, emergency contact information, immunizations, and more,” said Carey Sullivan, registered nurse with CLK. “Medically, it keeps our students safer because there are more than 1,500 students in our system. It keeps communication lines open with me, students’ parents and our teachers when that information is needed most.”

The new electronic health records system is an extension of a program CLK already uses, called Skyward, to maintain students’ school records and grades. Maintaining students’ health records in the same system allows for more efficient, streamlined communication when needed. Parents have access to their children’s health records, just as they do their school records. All information is kept on each individual student’s confidential record.

Aspirus Keweenaw Health Foundation Executive Director Ed Jenich presented the donation to CLK Superintendent Darryl Pierce and Sullivan at the school. Sullivan underwent several hours of training to utilize their new system, which will be up and running at its fullest capacity at the start of the new school year.

“We couldn’t be more thankful to the Aspirus Keweenaw Health Foundation for partnering with us to help ensure the health and safety of our students,” said Sullivan.

Aspirus Keweenaw Health Foundation is a non-profit entity that develops resource opportunities to support the healing mission of Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital and Clinics, and the communities they serve. This includes equipment purchases, free health screenings, educational programs and materials, and grants to local organizations to help improve the health and well-being of people in the community.