Aspirus Health shares signs of cataract

Our primary sense, vision, provides crucial insights into our surroundings. However, when cataracts develop, they can significantly impair this vital sense. Over 24 million Americans aged 40 and above contend with cataracts, a leading contributor to blindness in the United States.
Described as a natural aging process for the eyes rather than a disease, cataracts occur as the eye's lens becomes increasingly cloudy with age. This cloudiness obstructs or distorts the passage of light into the eye. Normally transparent, the lens is positioned behind the iris and pupil.
Dr. Shalini Johnson, an ophthalmologist at Aspirus Health, explains that the interference caused by cataracts can affect daily activities such as reading and driving and may ultimately lead to blindness. “Symptoms of cataracts include blurred or dim vision, double vision in one eye, reduced color sensitivity, poor night vision, seeing halos around lights, and frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions,” said Dr. Johnson.
Aspirus Health shares signs to watch out for:
- Clouded, blurred or dim vision.
- Double vision in a single eye.
- Decreased color sensitivity.
- Poor night vision.
- Seeing “halos” around lights.
- Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions.
There are also factors that increase your risk of cataract. These include:
- Increasing age.
- Diabetes.
- Smoking.
- High blood pressure.
- Long-term steroid use.
- Previous eye injuries.
- Long-term exposure to UV rays from the sun.
Although cataract is the world’s leading cause of vision loss, it’s treatable. Aspirus Health offers access to quality eyecare services close to home. For more information about optometry and ophthalmology services, treatments and surgical procedures available at Aspirus, visit