Benefits of Surgery

The impact the weight loss would bring to your overall health should be foremost in your decision to undergo surgery. All weight loss surgeries are considered major surgery and should not be undertaken for cosmetic purposes.

After surgery, most gastric bypass patients lose weight rapidly until 18 to 24 months. Patients might lose 30-to-50 percent of their excess weight in the first six months and 77 percent of excess weight as early as one year after surgery.

Diet and activity level after surgery have an effect on how much weight is lost and the long-term success of the weight loss.

Significant weight loss can improve many obesity related health problems:

  • Type 2 Diabetes: 82 – 98% resolved
  • Hypertension: 69% resolved
  • Depression: 47% reduced
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea: 74 – 98% resolved
  • GERD (reflux): 72% resolved
  • Quality of Life: 95% improved

Emotional and social changes are often associated with extreme weight loss. Many patients report that their mood, self-confidence and quality of life improve significantly after surgery.

SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009–2010.

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