Aspirus Media Center

Aspirus Health encourages flu shots


While leaves are falling and Fall plans are underway, Aspirus Health reminds the community that flu season is just around the corner.


“Fall is the best time to get a flu shot to ensure the highest rate of immunity before the virus hits,” says Ridhwi Mukerji, MD, Aspirus Health Regional Medical Director. “The benefit of preventing the flu outweighs any risks that people may worry about when getting the flu shot.”


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cites that, on average, influenza causes about 36,000 nationwide deaths each flu season.


Aspirus strongly encourages vaccination against the flu for everyone 6 months of age and older as the best way to protect our ourselves and our communities.


Flu shots can be scheduled at Aspirus primary care clinics. Appointment options may differ by location. For more information, or to find a primary care provider at an Aspirus location near you, visit


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