How do I schedule a lab appointment and who do I call with questions regarding my appointment?

Call the clinic lab where you would like to go for lab appointment inquiries and scheduling. You may also schedule directly in your MyAspirus portal

Aspirus providers may enter lab orders into Epic, patients may hand carry paper orders or have their non-Epic providers fax their orders to the Lab. Patients may call ahead to ensure the orders are available. 

Should I take my medicine before my lab work?

Please contact your doctor’s office for information about taking your medication. 

Why is my information verified during registration?

The laboratory needs to have correct and complete information from you, including your current insurance information. This information will allow us to return your test results to your provider as quickly as possible and ensure accurate billing for services.

Please bring the following:

  • Laboratory orders (if you have been given the orders at your provider’s office)
  • If there are orders by multiple doctors, this will be reviewed at this time
  • Current insurance information
  • Photo ID recommended, but not required

Does my testing have any special requirements?

Some tests do have special requirements. Please check with your provider regarding any medications that you are taking, and do not discontinue these unless requested by your provider to do so.

Your provider will tell you in advance if your tests require the following:

  • Fasting: Some tests require fasting for accurate results. Fasting means that you must not have anything to eat, drink or chew. This includes coffee, juice, tea, alcohol, chewing gum or other candy or lozenge.  Lab fasting recommendations: Fasting glucose - 8 hours; Lipid Profile - 12 hours.
    You may drink water, but not more than usual. Drinking water and staying hydrated will improve your experience. 
  • Kits: Your provider may request a test that is sent out to a reference lab other than the reference lab used by Aspirus. You will be given a special specimen container or mailer with the required paperwork. Kits can only be drawn at --- where, when.
  • Glucose Tolerance: You will have to stay at the lab for the duration of the test. For two hour, three hours or longer tolerance tests, you must be fasting and will be required to drink Glucola.